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Monday, 16 November 2020




It has been reported that the Judicial Appointments Commission intends to discriminate in favour of probably a female and probably a non-sexually orthodox candidate in the selection for the next “Justice” of the “Supreme Court”.


This in a court in which few of any of the sitting “Justices” are ethnically or in national identity terms “White English”, which is in sharp contrast to the general population of the “United Kingdom” in which those identifying as “White English” are over 60% and are therefore the ethnic group that is truly inadequately “represented in the Supreme Court”!


Here is our letter:-


Dear Sir


Re:  Freedom of Information Act Request


The English Lobby is a ‘Not for Profit’ Company whose purpose is to campaign for the rights of the English. 


We have noted the publicity regarding the intention to appoint a new “Justice” to the “Supreme Court”.  It is said that you intend to “positively discriminate”.  Under the Equality Act 2010 such “positive discrimination” is only legal when you have done the requisite diversity survey and analysis which seems to justify such an otherwise illegal and discriminatory action. 


In the circumstances we write to request, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, a copy of all the information (including the formatting data), the survey and, in particular, we expect to see included in the survey the percentage of white English Justices. 


In view of the fact that the 2011 Census showed 60.4% “White English” and not “British” responses and for you to discriminate against “White English” applicants you have to have more than 60.4% of the Justices identifying as “White English” and not “British”.  We therefore want to see whether you have done that analysis and if you have not done the analysis we also request disclosure of any reasons why not.


For the avoidance of doubt we would say that our perception is that very few, if any, of the current Justices are “White English” and we therefore also seek disclosure of the Ethnicity and National Identity of each of the Justices currently sitting.


To recap we are asking for the following:-


1.       A copy of the survey, and in particular the percentage of “White English” Justices;

2.       Disclosure of any reasons for not analysing the “White English” percentage;

3.       Disclosure of Ethnicity and National Identity of each of the Justices currently sitting.


We confirm that copies of all documents will answer our request for the above “information”.


Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act we request that you provide this information within the next 35 days and unless we hear from you to the contrary within the next 7 days, we would indicate that we expect the information to be provided without charge. 


Naturally if there is non-compliance with this request, we shall be making an Application for an Order coupled with sanctions to be made by the Information Commissioner.


Yours faithfully



Here a link to an article writing about this >>>