Just before St George’s Day, a small family orientated patriotic group, known as ‘March for England’, led what was intended to be nothing more than a patriotic flag waving family parade through Brighton.
March for England thoroughly co-operated with the Sussex Police and were completely law abiding and respectable. They were however confronted by a rabble of so-called Unite against Fascism, Hope Not Hate and anti-fascists, Greens, Respect (sic) etc.
Here is the link to an anti's video which gives you a flavour of the event >>>
This rabble then proceeded to yell abuse and in some cases hurl missiles at this peaceful parade. It was perhaps to be expected that the “Green” MP, Caroline Lucas, sided with this disgusting and uncivilised display of intolerance towards English patriotic displays.
What was even more unforgiveable was the reaction of the media exemplified by Mary Riddell's disgraceful comment:-
"Meanwhile, on the eve of St George’s Day, neo-Nazis of the English Defence League brawled in Brighton"
Here is her full article>>> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/9221228/Frances-centre-Left-is-on-the-march-but-so-are-darker-forces-from-the-far-Right-National-Front.html
This attack on people going to wave the Cross of St George and to celebrate England’s Patron Saint occurred at the time when there were a number of other attacks occurring in the media, a couple of which I have reported on in my previous blogs, coupled with an almost total news blackout on the large number of peaceful, successful and good humoured celebrations of St George’s Day all across England.
This blackout included the huge parade of English patriots at Stone Cross in the West Midlands. Here is a link to give the flavour of this very well attended patriotic event >>> http://stonecross-stgeorge.org/
What does this all mean?
I think it is highly important to understand the psychology of politics. I could do no better than recommend any serious English Nationalist to read Prof Drew Westen’s book ‘The Political Brain’. Here is an introductory video >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNJEq4URCYE&feature=relmfu
This is a book, which whilst written from the American 'Democrats' perspective, embodies much of the latest science on how the human brain actually works and how it makes decisions.
Drew Westen makes the key point that is crucial to our understanding of where we are and where the campaign for the English patriotic movement has reached. Drew Westen says that all successful political points can be measured by the extent to which supporters LOVE and opponents HATE it.
Therefore both the rising attacks, which display the hatred of our opponents against the idea of Englishness, and also the increasing support for English national identity, shows that our Cause is making real political headway.
We should therefore not be deterred by such attacks, but on the contrary we should be encouraged that our opponents fear us. In this sense Machiavelli, writing in the ‘Prince’, was right. When it comes to the opponents of Englishness - "it is better to be feared than loved"!
It is the herd mentality, Robin. The social conditioning of the middle class has seen common sense turned on its head. English people would rather be seen to be in vogue than correct. A pernicious self censorship has destroyed our moral fibre. Englishness is becoming a secret pleasure rather than a matter of public pride. Its very existence is questioned by the left, and when acknowledged it is besmirched as the bastion of idiots, football hooligans, and misty eyed imperialists.
ReplyDeleteEnglishness is only tolerated as eccentricity, if it asserts itself then it is challenged as nouveau fascism. It is a chilling warning for our children and grandchildren.
It is a chilling warning as to what our politics and media intends for us. It is also interesting as well though, that as "progressives" create ever more polarised caricatures of nationalism they also create more awareness of what they oppose.
DeleteThey very much rely on disillusionment and apathy towards society and the political process as well, which is why terms like "herd mentality" sit awkwardly with me. Not to detract from your point about the social conditioning that has been carried out over the years, I think people in the main have to be sympathised with. Many of them are very busy with their lives as well so they tend to think in a very short term regarding politics and their own self-interest.
I found myself rather peed off at the vile opposition demonstrated towards 'The March for England' celebrations in Brighton. It seems 'diversity' is welcome as long as no regard is given to the ancient Kingdom of England in which we live. The march has been going for a few years now I understand, so I like to think that next year as an English Christian I'll be celebrating and marching with them
ReplyDeleteI don't know which 'side' were worse than the other..
ReplyDeleteLooking at the group of shaven haired thugs marching with flags, it is clear that this was not any 'patriotic flag waving family parade', but a direct provocation. It was guaranteed to attract trouble, and to waste a huge amount in Police resources (as does Brighton's pointless Gay Pride parade).
Of course it attracted trouble from a bunch of
morons...I'm sure that that was the point for a lot of the marchers.
If you want people to have pride in the Cross of St George, then it should not be used in this way. It is giving it all the wrong connotations.
Proud and brave working class Englishmen who were prepared to endure that onslaught deserve your support rather than contempt.
DeleteIf the Womens Institute, The Mothers Union and the British Legion had marched with The English Flag unfurled they would have met with the same reaction from the UAF.
There are no wrong connotations (sic) to the English flag in England.
Those that choose to despise it for their own reasons shoold be in receipt of summary justice, and public humiliation.
It is treason.
I was struck by the cheerful fortitude and dignified bravery of the "antis" in the video of the March for England event. If only we could build a time machine and send these lantern-jawed heros back to world war II. Then they could get their wish to "fight the fash" at say, El Alamein.
DeleteI do like the way that "The Political Brain" (from a quick book preview) reminds political parties to focus on both emotion and rational arguments because as I see it, those two things are the stuff of what values are and necessarily how they are effectively communicated.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it is also an idea that has been cynically used as a propaganda technique by the big two parties in the US. Our own establishment, very alike to that which americans suffer under, and which also exists like a strange and separate society grafted onto the one we are familiar with, cynically misleads people with these techniques with the big advantage of having the unions and property developers etc, etc, to pay for them.
But, in Mary Riddell's article in the Telegraph we get to see the increasingly shrill attempts at really justifying themselves. She flutters about like a butterfly from one country to another, patronising people's anxieties in one breath and condemning them in the next as "fash", "poisonous", as carrying the potential to "metastasise" into mass murder, her shallow mind distributing pathologised status to huge swaths of the population.
They always become comically enraged like this when people power breaks through just as it is doing with the marches in West Bromwich and Brighton.
As I read all this and look at the comments on the video then all I can think of is Enoch Powell's second most famous quote, "We must be mad, literally mad, to be heaping up our own funeral pyre". Having lived in India Enoch must have known a lot about those but whereas politicians were still heaping up the pyre in his day, now it is burning merrily. The man was so obviously a genius and yet he only stated the obvious. Unfortunately, he was dealing with people or much more limited brain power. Like me he was a deep thinker and yet his opponents, which must include nearly everybody in Westminster now, don't seem capable of thinking deeply at all. That generation seem to have a mental age of ten and just live by soundbites, chief among which are racist and facist. Reading the comments on the video two things struck me, one was the comment from the man married to an Asian who had two "Asian" kids. He has readily fallen into the trap set by those one worlders of the 1950s who told us the last generation of white children was then being born, or they would ensure that this was the case. Interesting that he refers to his children as Asian. They probably don't look English and he doesn't seem to think of them as English either. The second was a comment from somebody on the term racist. If I am correct, this was invented by Leon Trotsky as a tool to paralyse European Christian Civilisation into accepting the Marxist revolution - and how successful it has been. People are even marrying other races as they are too terrified of being accused of racism if they don't. There is only one facism in this country and it is anti-facism/Marxism. It has driven those who possess the traditional received wisdom of the ages either to flight from this country or into a terrified silence. Look what happens if you even show pride in being English and of England itself. How soon before songs like "There'll always been an England" are banned. Of course the next line is "And England will be free", which it not longer is. We live in an anti-facist totalitarian state in a continent of the same ilk. On Radio 3 this morning Sarah Mohr-Pietsch read out an article from the Guardian -always quoted first in their look at the papers - about the 21st anniversary of London's Gay Chorus and their concert this week-end which will end with a mass kiss-in. She obviously thought it was so so lovely whereas many of the listeners must have been feeling a bit nauseous over their cornflakes. This just shows how the anti-fascist message has become the norm, especially with the Beeb. What do we do now, Enoch? As somebody said, the normal Conservative of 50 to 60 years ago would be labelled extreme right-wing today by these people.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how many earthly laws one changes.To appease your 'lifestyle'. It does not change the law of God.
DeleteAbsolute moral values are the antithesis of Marxist doctrine. Laws made by man can alter on a breath of air.
Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.
This is the command of the King of Tyre.
I have to agree that Enoch Powell was certainly a very accomplished scholar and a great political thinker but he was also very much a product of his times. He was from an age of deference and fixed points of view and couldn't really engage with the changing zeitgeist of the 60's and 70's. He couldn't really appeal to people who were moving towards much more personally determined views of life who, with the great lack of responsibility that went along with those views, most needed to be appealed to.
DeleteHe was ultimately convenient for the establishment to sideline and bypass. It was no fault of his, of course. If he had been Prime Minister things could have taken a very much better path.
In Leicester they had a St Georges Day parade, this was organised by the council, although there was a certain lack of flags, the march was trouble free.
ReplyDeleteCome on get it right, if people stopped practicing hypocrisy they would soon realise hypocrisy is ruling everything and ruining everything which once was the English way of life in this country. The present saint George flag is a lie or at least a poor example of what being English means, and so is saint George a mercenary paid for by the pope so what do you expect to happen when everything is based on a lie. The increase in catholic control and the decline in Anglican faith, the Scottish dominance in parliament are examples of the influence and deception of the saint George flag; it serves only to mock the English to make a laughing stock of the English by others whose only concern is power and self righteousness and not for the welfare of all. The English (originally pagans) have always been free independent thinking boarder multicultural people in tune with nature and able to mix and get on well with anyone following there white dragon flag example, and because of this are ridiculed all the time by religious and capitalistic doctrine. Fly the white dragon flag and set this country and its people free and self reliant again.
ReplyDeleteRhubarb. The last fifteen hundred years the English people have been formed from their Christian allegiance in general and their culture and its effect on all our lives in particular.
DeleteIt is a common misconception that because George was not English this somehow makes English people who adopted him as their patron saint stupid. His adoption was because of his bravery and defiance of the beast in not renouncing his faith in Jesus Christ.
The English are neither multicultural nor deluded either. From the beginning of time to 1948 The 'mongrels' were amoungst the most racially similar peoples on earth. There were in fact only three other nations more racially 'pure' than the English, or British. all the migrations were small and insignificant culturally and racially. Even the Normans were racially Norse and Christian and ruled by might and law rather than genocide, as now.
The enemy divide and obfuscate. You by your lexicon indicate those traits and that intention.
Plum Duff. You’re obviously not English as you remain anonymous and by that example also a hypocrite, who like most people today can’t speak plain talk and have to use fancy words like lexicon as if it’s all just a word game and you befriend Enoch Powel as well as if you’re praising him. I however by name, language and definition speak the truth and give plain facts and as a true Englishman proud to do so, remove the hypocrisy and you will see clearly. The white dragon is the true flag of the English even though there were various other colours around at the time, reason being the emphasis and image of the dragon was based on the heavens, nature and habitat and places that people lived (fire, air, water the land etc) and was not ruled by financial and political gain, which has been the case in modern times every since saint George was paid to do a job for the catholic pope. As for Jesus Christ well he was nothing more than an ordinary good man by his own example dedicated to the care and welfare of common people neglected by those in power and as such the example of the imperfection in perfection, from which all things are naturally created in nature by procreation and free selection, which again is part of the great lie by the Catholic Church who pretend he is one of them because it suites them (they don’t want anyone to be a free thinker), just like you pretend to be English or whatever suits you, just as long as your voice is heard and your words conceal a secret.
DeleteFortunately, we English do have some high profile people who are prepared to defend us against those who try to maintain that we have always been a nation of immigrants. The socialists have tried the same trick in Sweden. And we know that Barbara Roche, an immigrant herself, has been trying to push this with her nation of immigrants exhibition. Sir Andrew Green of Migration Watch has lucidly set out the history of migration prior to 1948 and how insignificant it had been since 1066. Interested to read the comment about the three other nations more racially pure than the English. One must be Japan and it wouldn't surprise me if Germany was not one with their large amount of Slavic blood. I would also not be surprised to learn that those three other countries are still racially pure and that none of them is European. The other expert ready to defend us has been Richard Sykes with his dna evidence supporting the stability of the British population. In our local paper there is a letter slating our political leaders and saying how their actions were in danger of driving people into the arms of the "extreme right" which encourages race hate and "little englanders". Why do these people, as Enoch Powell did, never take what has happened since 1948 to its logical conclusion which is the removal of the indigenous population of this country and its replacement either by a largely Afro-Asian or a mixed race European-Afro-Asian population. Is this what the writer of that letter really wants, or the majority of his compatriots? We know that a recent survey found the English "not very happy" ( a bit of an understatement ) at the prospect of their being in a minority by 2050 (probably much sooner ). From 1948 on you could guess the ultimate outcome as once you have created the haystack we would have chain migration, not necessarily through marriage but by other races sucking in their own through a kind of osmosis so that their numbers can grow exponentially at our expense. We are now approaching a critical mass, a tipping point of no return, as is happening in many other European countries. I see that the whistle blower from the Home Office, Andrew Moxon, has been ditched by UKIP for saying that Anders Breivik was vile but that he had a point in his reasoning about the consequences of the socialists' mass immigraion/social engineering project. And in the Greek elections the Golden Dawn party, who wish to mine the border with Turkey, are to win seats. Greece is now building a wall along that border anyhow. If European leaders had only thought as deeply as Enoch Powell then none of this would have happened. But it seems that Europe has been ruled by a fanatical Marxist/International Socialist minority who could neither understand the ultimate consequences of their own actions nor the feelings of their electorates and are surprised and horrified at the reaction i.e. the rise of the "extreme right". Action and reaction are equal and opposite and the "extreme right" are only seeking to reverse policies which were always destined to fail and which had no democratic mandate whatsoever in any of the countries affected by them.
DeleteI'd be interested to know how one can derive ethicity simply by not knowing their name?
DeleteI repeat, for the last fifteen hundred years the English nation and people have been Christian and that means far more than scripture reading and believing folk.
Our history, law, culture, art, language, morals, freedoms have been provided both spritually and civically, to a large extent, by that. If you cannot or are unwilling to recognise that, you will only realise when it is gone.
Hardly anyone knows or recognises the dragon and would associate with Wales. Why try and reinvent the wheel? Paganism has contributed little to our way of life. You are pushing water uphill. Carping and splitting only help the nay sayers. Build on the foundations of stone that exist rather than thrashing about in the sand.
If using big words is beyond Englishmen what are you trying to say? Was Shakespeare French?
I like the flag of the White Dragon as well and am not as personally attached to the Cross of St George flag. But in the context of the English Democrats, which is after all a broad-based nationalist party for everyone living in England, the Cross of St George is going to always be the leading flag.
DeleteThe same can be said about Christianity for a lot of us. I'm Pagan in outlook but Christianity is the dominant tradition in my culture, and really, I feel the resulting culture from that to be a part of who I am, even if the more central ideas of Christianity are not for me.
A splendid blog.
ReplyDeleteThe sort of trouble seen in Brighton never gets to be reported in the public domain. Its only through concerned citizens expressing thier thoughts and opinions and pointing out the actions of the law breakers, will we see any change in this situation. That and of course getting rid of the luvvie and leftie brigade who control the media output would also contribute significantly to change.
The decent law abiding English man is nopw a Pariah in his own country, what is the agenda of those who hate him so.
ReplyDeleteIt is very hard to determine who is behind the drive to bring not only the English but all Europeans to dust. There may be many disparate political and other self-interested groups. There are obviously many who are incapable of deep thought and have a pathological hatred of their own race. Quite why it is difficult to fathom. Why cannot they be proud of the immense cultural and scientific achievements of European Christian Civilisation? Second to none.
DeleteSome of it is a sort of juvenile boredom at a world that is culturally and racially homogeneous. They get a buzz from rubbing shoulders with less civilised races and cultures. I think the fragmented and friction-filled anarchy of multiculturalism induces a feeling of danger that they almost find thrilling compared with what was once safe little England. This suggests people for whom life is too easy and who have become sated. Eventually, when they find that they are fighting to retain their country they might realise that dull, boring and safe was not that bad after all. I have referred before to Kenneth Clarke's "Civilisation" series in which he said European Civilisation will only go down if we lose confidence in ourselves. Many of us never lost confidence in our achievements but many many more have been brainwashed into thinking that all that Europeans did was evil. But Clarke also begins his series with Europe recovering from the barbarian invasions of the Dark Ages. The episode is called "By the skin of our teeth". I am praying that as Europe now reaches the edge of the abyss thanks to these people Europeans may be about to rebel and that once again Europe will escape anihilation by the skin of its teeth.
'You who have not sinned, cast the first stone'......comes to mind when I read blogs..(which is rare for me, since most of them are pretty puerile). Why do the majority of our 'bloggers' choose to remain 'anonymous'?
ReplyDeleteFirstly, whenever we are tasked with describing our 'nationality' we who are justly proud of our Englishness should refuse to call ourselves other than English. And if we are challenged, perhaps Robin could lead us through the maze of the Human Rights Act which would no doubt explain how our Human Rights to calling ourselves English are protected under this abomination of a Law.
Secondly, if we can find reasons for not attesting to our opinions by simply appending our name to our opinions, how can we look others in the eye and say with dignity and pride I am English First, and if pushed, may concede that there MAY be occasions when I will answer to being British.
Why not have the courage of your convictions and add your name to your opinion - what are you afraid of??
I congratulate and support anyone, of any persuasion who has the simple courage to put their name where there opinions are!
Being anonymous, if that's really possible on the internet, allows a feeling at least of some freedom. Freedom that is rapidly disappearing. The terror of being hunted by the equalities gestapo is a real fear, it costs people their jobs, reputations society - if they are white and express opinions that the state decrees unacceptable.
DeleteAbout sums it up. There is no real advantage to placing your name next to comments you make on the internet. But maybe what Paul is fed up with as well is that there is no way of seeing which individual voice is behind each comment. I've been too lazy to think of a non de plume so far, so I am guilty as charged.
DeletePerhaps the saddest thing to me is that the more the amoral middle-class pseudointellectuals try to bury us alive, the more extreme and desperate we are likely to become. Whilst we are very clearly not all stupid yobs and hooligans (though of course there may be some), nor even particularly racist, those intent on destroying our culture, our morals, our values and the very fabric of our once-polite society seem to have turned morality on its head.
ReplyDeleteMuch of what has been said above echos strongly with me. In particular "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law", though I always believed it was Alistair Crowley who said that; I read too much Dennis Wheatley when younger!
And references to Enoch Powell (he whose name must not be spoken??) are now seen in a different light. The "rivers of blood" speech, once branded as fascist, racist rhetoric, has been shown by the unconquerable march of time to be instead prophetic.
And I am sad, heartbroken, that the pride I was brought up with has been taken away, the Britain I was once taught to be proud of is no more. There is only a Britain with no England. Triumphs and heros are Scottish, Welsh or British, but never - oh, hush the word! - English. A nation stripped of its identity by an avaricious, indolent, beastial movement whose sole purpose is to ensure that nothing it does can ever by questioned, no base impulse curbed and no voice raised against the march of insanity that is today's Britain.
It's not the Britain I used to love. I care nothing about racial purity, but for the loss of a culture which made sense to me in a way today's culture doesn't. Today's culture makes sense to no-one and what is precisely why the younger generation has such a struggle. How can they be given any rules to follow when right and wrong have been turned on their heads? There are no rules any more, there is only "I am" and "I want".
Britain has become a vile place. Its backbone was England and since its backbone has now been broken, Britain is no more. I grieve for England and I grieve for Britain. I think I understand how the Palestinians must feel, trapped amongst enemies, denied basic rights of nationality, forced to extreme measures to make people take notice. But still to no avail.
I say let's march while we still can! Let's carry on marching. Let's have military and colliery brass bands! Lets have morris dancers, men in bowler hats and pin striped suits, pearly kings and queens, let's sell sheppies (mashed potato filled with minced beef and onions and deep fried) to the crowds. Let's march to the music of Elgar, Britten and Purcell, sing "Land of Hope and Glory" like we believe it's still true and "Jerusalem" for love.
Being English is more than just a flag.
anonymous, 6 May 23.30,
Deleteyour last paragraph :..."lets have Morris Dancers"
Now I have a special affection for Morris Dancers..but the name is a corruption of 'Moorish Dancers' and historically they are decended from the 'Mauresque' or 'Morisque' dances imported from medieval Spain and with their roots in North Africa.
I used to know someone who had he been younger might have been in that crowd in Brighton.(Probably not,he was far too smart).He was a socialist.I asked him what that meant?
ReplyDeleteHe said that "the workers should own the means of production". I said "fair enough, but how would you manage the situation"? He seemed to think that management was not required, that workers should just work and be paid for their endeavors. I said "but what if no one wants what you are making and you are not making what they want"? This confused him to the extent that he changed the subject and started shouting.
I used to think that he was a patsy of the Russians.
I think that his descendants are patsies of the 4th Reich.
DeleteThere is a lot to be said for having a name because it identifies, it give meaning and purpose to something or someone based on its or their origin, and those not having a name and/or not willing to be identified have no place in a system and society where truth and honesty and freedom of expression prevail, maybe they fear the cross on which Jesus was crucified and will suffer the same fate, however in any case who would want to listen to a non entity trying to become something or someone, one does need a name. To the English existence all goes back to simplicity as with the image of the Dragon which is an association with nature’s laws and universal elements involved in the tree of life itself and also having a way of life as with being English. When people say there is no such thing as being English they are being fooled and blinded by their own hypocrisy and that of others, no one says there is no such thing as scotch or welsh or German or French etc, and not even the English will say that, so why the ridicule if it’s not genuine and true why not accept it as others are accepted. Words are simply expressions of periods and moments in time and therefore changeable but always with some self importance, but the initial application or GOD’s plan involved in creation and life in general never changes except in movement and change as being always imperfect within perfection, a category which we all fall into. There is always a division involved in creation, be it shifting one way or the other, and what you see in the image of the dragon is creation (different creatures and other elements all in one in harmony) so it’s a question of balance if one is to reveal and follow the right path, and all things can, and do fit within the correct profile as things do also fit on a different level within the dual DNA spiral. This is why the bible says “as in the Image of god”, it does not say that man is god on earth or anywhere else but it does show and suggest man as being central as a guardian and balancer (a giver and receiver) each within his own mind and conscience but not as a central dictator as we find in some countries or a figurehead like the pope who suppresses free thinking and the ability to provide and take care of one self and family, without the pope you are as it were....lost in time and space. We are all subject to change within and without with regard to ourselves, what really matters is the tolerance we have within ourselves and with the English it’s being stretched too far. The wheel of time exists and always has done regardless of who says they invented it and what goes around will come around again although be it slightly different every time, you see it in the heavens with the precession of the sun and the movements of the stars and the rotation of the earth with its offset but central spiritual and balancing position in all things. Science says the sun is the centre because they are only interested in energy like capitalist are only interested in money, so all things on earth are accountable for and can be understood within THE SYSTEM whether we know it or just believe it, you just have to work it out for yourself and get rid of the greed and hypocrisy within yourself, or as Jesus put it remove the mote from your own eye. Remember also the dragon is a great creature favourite with children as part of a learning process upon which future generations depend on, which cannot be said about the saint George flag or any other; it’s not the least bit inspiring to the mind and thoughts of a well balanced child. Myth and fantasy based on facts have an important part to play and it starts when all things are created anew and nature will always see that it stays that way, the dragon way, the English way.
ReplyDeleteInteresting ....You change your tune anonymous, so much so by what you say that it makes me want to think you’re English, but then again you can’t be English and be anonymous, being English is not being a hypocrite, believe in the dragon and you will never have a cross to carry or a sword to kill it with on or off a flag, and the loss of anything or everything will be the last thing you will need to worry about, because your conscience will be clear and you will know what real freedom is.
DeleteYou appear to addressing 'anonymous. as one individual. There are in fact more than one anonymous contributors. Are you addressing the entire anonymous submissions with you ludicrous assertions.
One or many it’s just the same, i take it that this blog page is about being English and proud of it so why be anonymous, people can abbreviate their name if they like as I do, but on this page you befriend genuine English people today and all those that died for England in the past who did have a name and whose names are on record in one way or another. Being a no one just does not ring true or honest on any page or site it’s just a cover for cowards with a false sense of freedom, but if your English then on this blog page i take the view your either with us and one of us, or against us...which is it, maybe I get it wrong is this English page just all hypocrisy like everything else in this country these days, if so it’s no wonder the English are always the underdog. So who am I talking to a man with no name and no country just expressing his opinion about nothing and everything and very little in-between with a false sense of security who prefers to remain anonymous, because it’s safer.
DeleteTo all ANONOMOUSESS, if your English be proud, be independent, be self reliant as much as possible in your own country and work together with other genuine English people flying the white dragon flag, don’t hide your head in the sand because your being paid to keep quiet and/or you fear being recognised, because someone will come and kick you right up the backside and tell you to find somewhere else to hide or live and you will have no legs left to stand on or a place to live or a country you can call your own.
DeleteThose who believed that the world would be a better place if European countries no longer remained homogeneous and European are now seeing the fruits of their labours. It is a world in which anything goes and there are no absolute moral standards because the Marxist Liberals have rubbished the Christian ethos that used to underpin European culture. Like no other European Christian Civilisation is on the brink. The Marxist dream of a Europe without borders, homogeneous nation states and cultures, without anything that could be termed European is turning into the nightmare that any sane individual could have predicted. Look at Greece. Go back 40 to 50 years and it was a country at ease with itself. Now those who want to turn the clock back to that cosy little country in the sun are termed Neo-Nazis, not only just by the BBC. And in Birmingham, a lady born at the end of the First World War when her father's generation were promised a land fit for heroes has been beaten to a pulp and there is a suggestion that the assailant's description has not been issued because he is part of the city's cultural enrichment. The lady was 50 when Enoch Powell made his speech and no doubt agreed with him. Now she lies in a hospital bed as what remains of her city into which she was born vanishes into the ether and the crime that has been the hallmark of mass immigration all over Europe has claimed her as a victim. And the odiously arrogant Keith Vaz claims that the crimes committed in Rochdale have nothing to do with race or religion - oh no. They come here, colonise, attack us, kill us even and we are just meant to turn the other cheek in true Christian fashion or, as has been stated above, we are just too terrified of losing our jobs etc to protest about what has been done to our country. And, yes, that is why we remain "anonymous". The country has been ruined, totally ruined during my 60 years. A recent documentary established that the 1950s was the best decade ever in this country; but these people hate high standards, hate civilisation, hate the English or the French or the Danes etc. And they are bedfellows with the ex-public school city slickers who just want to get rich on a rotting corpse of a country of their making. And when it descends into anarchy or an Afro-asian third world colony they will take their money and run. The stinking rich will probably be followed into exile by the Hampstead Marxists. Interesting how UAF were demonstrating in support of the victims of racism in Liverpool Crown Court. Plus in the 1950s girls would have had the moral fibre not to get lured in by them. What a dump the liberals have made of this country.I can't see where we go from here but down. How can we ever get back to the homogeneous civilised cohesive country that was England?.Just think what England would have been like if none of this had taken place. Imagine it is all a bad dream. If we had retained the same high standards and principles of previous generations and yet managed through no immigration and birth control to get our population down to below 50 million, heading towards the optimum of 30m. Our countryside would have been safe from Cameron's developers, there would have been no congestion, no crowded schools, no crumbling nhs, no interracial friction. The term racism would have been unknown in this country as it once was. But no to have achieved that would have required following the gentlemanly wisdom of men of intellect and intelligence, like Enoch Powell or David Attenbourgh not the emotionally immature and the self-seekingly avaricious who are the bastards who have seized control of our beautiful country and trashed it. We are in a new Dark Age in Europe and it gets darker by the day.
ReplyDeleteI tend to agree with Derk that contributors should avoid the'anonymous' tag. At least use a pseudonym if not your own name. I use one because I prefer to keep my communication to these pages. Names would also make the pages more interesting and easier to follow; it can be very confusing at present. Please make the names meaningful or amusing!
ReplyDeleteIt's all very frustrating, isn't it? We must do something but what exactly can we do? Please don't sit at home and fume - it's bad for your health, and it won't do us any good if we start throwing bricks through windows because few seem to listen, and many oppose. Let us have philosophical debates and the airing of grievances by all means, which I enjoy and like to add to from time to time, but we should all ‘do something’ however limited this may be. It is mostly those on the extreme edges of the issues which are seen violently on the streets, and this reflects badly on the more moderate of us, but you have to admire their determination, and I’m not convinced they are all as bad as they are painted. I’ve heard today for example that there are at least 200 foreign war criminals walking our streets and nothing is being done about them. So, if you are foreign and you’ve killed and maimed people in large numbers you can come here and be left alone. If you are English and you want to protest about and unfairness and discrimination you are harassed by the police. Maybe we should throw bricks after all.
ReplyDeleteSo what do we ordinary English people do? I don’t know if all the contributors here are members of the English Democrats, but if not and you agree there is an injustice to be righted then please join, and donate a few pounds when you have some to spare. We shouldn’t be too partisan either; I saw some comments elsewhere from someone in Cornwall claiming that Cornwall wasn’t English. I hope Yorkshire doesn’t try to opt out! Mention the ‘Campaign for an English Parliament’ if they say they don’t like political parties. So, get number plates for your cars which display the flag of St George, wear a lapel badge showing the flag; keep it discreet. All this may sound trivial, but people notice my badge and some ask about it, it gives an opportunity to mention why I'm wearing it -, do something, go to the next St George's parade, even if you have to travel. Attend the party's demonstrations, swell the numbers, this is important. Order some party recruitment leaflets and distribute them in your locality. And write to the BBC for example, – an organisation which many think does need bricking, for many reasons! - when they mention Britain or the UK or 'the country' when they should be saying England, or when they refer to English 'regions' as if they separate and distinct entities.
Why do they ignore England? It is not just the BBC. ITV is just as bad, at least in ‘regional’ news. Last evening, they mentioned ‘Britain’ a number of times, ‘the UK’, and of course ‘the south’ (which is where I am) as usual, never England, or ‘the south of England’. I dare say it’s the same in ‘the north west’ and so on. It is clearly deliberate. I have written to them a few times on this subject in a personal capacity, they don’t reply, and no doubt they think I’m something of a nutter. I will write again. I try to make a reasoned and sober case each time. Who knows it might make a difference eventually, especially if many of us write regularly in the same vein. Your contribution may only be small but if we all do something, however minor, and we do it resolutely, reasonably and politely it will make a difference. Keep on keeping on!
It's very strange. I have a neighbour who claims to have logged onto the EDL website ( has that now been closed down? ) and I told him to be careful. Fortunately he is now retired so may be safe. However, I am itching to give him an ED leaflet but feel he may consider me an extremist!! I mentioned recent utterances by Nigel Farage to a colleague at work who has been saying for years that he was thinking of voting UKIP but probably never did and he looked at me as if I was an anarchist running around with a bomb in my hand. When people go into the polling booth I am sure that their pencils go to the "far-right" parties but suddenly they are gripped by fear and continue to vote for the three stooges. The only thing I have noticed is that more and more St George's flags are popping up in people's gardens and yet I am afraid, for professional reasons, of planting one in mine. We are definitely now in a soviet bloc style situation where people are frightened of stepping out of line. The truth is certainly now dead and buried. When Griffin said that we are facing the slow genocide of the English people the two Archbishops ridiculed his remark and yet demographic forecasts have shown that he was 100% right. Fortunately, the majority must have realised that he was right. One of the defendants in the Rochdale grooming case ( more to follow ) is appealing on the grounds of racism. Did the victims ever argue racism inasmuch as only "white" girls were chosen. Of course not, only Europeans are racist. And could we not charge all immigrants with racism against the ethnic English on the basis that their intention in coming here was to dispossess us of our country. What say you Robin? Could we not give that one a go? By the way I thought you would all be pleased to know that there is a sign on the western Scottish border welcoming
DeleteScots to England (where?) complete with a St George's flag. It may be several years old now and really needs taking down and replaced with one that says "Welcome to the North-West" with a Euroflag beneath. Nigel Farage had some good things to say about the ring of stars on Europe Day?!
What seems to have changed is the mentality of people in this country with this European “ROAMING” attitude (tony Blair was an example) which no doubt is why it’s in all mobile phones which enables people to roam at will anywhere in the world in a global network, technology is indeed a powerful influence driven by capitalism, it’s no wonder the government wants the internet in every home in the this country and all our money what we buy and sell is being monitored in the same way. This change seems to fit in very well and as an example from the way of life in Turkey, and also ROMANIA which is full of intrigue, storytelling myths and fantasies and corruption, a country where they have a excess amount of people and dogs living on the on the street, with girls advertising their bodies on the internet as on the pretence of being models etc, all having to survive on a day or week basic for a token amount, there is very little industry or business or work for people in that country and idle hands the devil commands. They learn all the tricks in the book on the street to survive being at all times humble and they get that used to it that they no longer have an idea or concept of any future and depend entirely on their hypocrisy, skill and ability to lie and deceive while appearing to be the most wonderful characters you could ever wish to meet. It’s becoming more this way with people in this country who no longer live or stay in the same place very long bringing up their families with increasing instability unlike in the past with the traditions that their parents did who had steady work in the fields and factories. England has indeed changed a lot and It would seem to be the result of the increase in standard of living and income and giving far too much money and freedom to young people who have no clue how to use it sensibly instead of older people who in most case are more settled and more knowledgeable and wise in the ways of life and the world, it would seem the wisdom of the ancients come into play here, so some of the problem is having young people running businesses and organisations being susceptible to any kind of dictatorship. The immigration and emigration problem has done nothing to help the situation and only encourages more of this ROAMING way of life being influenced more by the internet which is bringing about the downfall of this country and its varied cultures as it will with any other country, once capitalism through credit divides and conquers and removes the ability of its people to be self reliant. One can understand why countries like china are very strict on this kind of thing not wishing to mix with the rest of the world, just willing to trade which is how England used to be.
ReplyDeleteWell said. Globalisation treats people like a commodity to be moved around and a borderless world suits international capital fine. But I think the novelty might now be beginning to wear off as the colours of the multicultural rainbow are beginning to look a trifle tawdry and the reality of multiculturalism is forever not just for Christmas kicks in. You are right about older people - politicans accepted - in all societies the wisdom of the elders used to be accepted as did the received wisdom passed down through the generations. Those who wished to divide and conquer probably knew that by putting the young, impressionable and inexperienced in positions of power they would destabilise and fragment European civilisation. "An interconnected world" is the buzz expression. I read a comment from somebody who said he did not want to be a citizen of the world, neither do most of us, we want our own tribe, our own country and our own community. You are right about China. They must be looking at Europe and North America and thinking we are totally foolish. The Peking ( why do we suddenly have to use the Chinese Beizhing? ) Olympics were an outstanding success and all achieved in a totally non-multicultural country. Lord Coe today in Olympia spoke of London, the great world city with a diverse mix of races and faiths ( more like a third world dumping ground ) as if it was the pinnacle of civilisation ( not in Chinese eyes presumably ). People around the world must be saying yes but I would prefer London to be English rather than a sort of Legoland with bits from all over the world shoved together. I wonder when tourists will begin to steer clear of London because it is no longer part of England but belongs to the world - i.e. nicked off the Cockneys by any Tom, Dick or Harry on the scrounge. It all recalls the sack of Rome I suppose. As you have intimated, with instant communication around the world, why do we need all the world in once place? Where have all the Cockneys gone, long time passing, gone to Essex every one, We're multi-culti now, yipee!, we're multi-culti now. The same could apply to the Brummies, Lankies, Yorkshire tykes etc. Eventually it will be where have all the English gone? Incidentally, the Chinese have 4,000 years of received wisdom and still respect their elders. Perhaps that is why they are doing so well.
DeleteThe Japanese have today set a clock ticking to count down the estimated 1,000 years until they are extinct. This is because they refuse to allow immigration. To this I say, Lucky Japanese, they probably have 800 years more to go than most European countries. Most North Europeans will have been outbred or bred out in 100 to 200 years. So perhaps the Japanese are right, no immigration and you last 1,000 years, mass immigration and you last about a hundred. I am afraid I declined to listen to Billy Bragg naming his choice for an English national anthem on Radio 4. From what I know of Bragg I assume it could not be Jerusalem, Land of Hope or I vow to thee but rather something that does not mention God and celebrates the multicultural wonderland that is 21st century England. I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteThere are English people who are proud of being English and will stand for the English and our history, but who are not Christians. I am a Wessex born Englishman and proud of it. I am a lifelong Royalist. I am also an atheist. I can never be a part of your party while it is so closely linked with Christianity. English and Christian are not the same thing and haven't been for centuries.
ReplyDeleteAndy M - Wiltshire
It sickens and saddens me that the ordinary English man or woman can not show that they are English and proud of it not even in their OWN country without coming under fire from a disgusting bunch of scruffy misfits ranting and trying to incite racial hatred. Just because your English and proud does not mean that your racist at all. Everyone is welcome to live here in this country so long as they learn the language get a job integrate with others respect our believes, traditions and religion and dont expect us to change for the sake of them, if they dont like our way of life then leave its simple I dont know why anyone should or could have a problem with that it does not make you a racist. Our forefathers must be turning in their graves to think they fought two world wars gave their lives to make this country a better place to live....... (for everyone except the English of course) it is disgusting we are now not allowed to be English. You can be Welsh, Irish, Black this or that British but not English what the hell is going on and where does it end.
ReplyDeleteBeing English is more spiritual more in a line with nature the land its creatures and the natural world, which is why I am English and more or less a pagan although I don’t do pagan rituals etc but I like the simplicity of it and when you marry it’s the best ceremony there is, its honest, simple and deeply soulful involving the head of the family. I differ mostly with others so called English people because I can’t stand regalia and richness which most other religious seem to find as being so attractive because its linked with power, status, wealth and that is something I find totally unacceptable which is why I also admire Jesus Christ because of his way of life and example, becouse as long as there are rich or even worse wealthy people there will also be poor. It’s not the fact there are such differences, because differentials are what the universe, the solar system, the earth, and creation and life is based on, it’s the fact that the differences are so great and no one seems to find this sickening or object to it. True English people are the most tolerable people in the world and as such should not get drawn too much into anything which represents or illustrates or shows it as being linked with Blood, richness and wealth such as the saint George flag and its history. Better to fly the white dragon flag on a black background and its natural balancing elements, because we are at war (difference) with ourselves and each other not with nature, because nature will always win in the end because it balances everything out over time which is how and why the earth is central to all things. Pagans don’t worship anything they accept and observe and respect the moon and sun and the stars as having the spiritual control over the elements and everything on earth through one’s own actions, which is how an englisman thinks.
ReplyDeleteA dog born in a stable doesnt make him a horse.
ReplyDeleteAs a proud west saxon from wessex i think we should drop the st george flag as its not even english, its of french origin. The white dragon flag is the true flag of the ENGLISC.